Contraindications for receiving a massage

If one of the following dis-eases or conditions apply to you, it serves as a reason for you not to receive this massage therapy.

*If you are unsure if these conditions apply to you or you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to us!

  • Nausea or feeling dizzy

  • Fever

  • Undiagnosed pain

  • Undiagnosed Migraines

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Contagious diseases

  • Blood clots

  • Pregnancy

  • Kidney & Liver conditions

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • Cancer

  • Uncontrolled Hypertension

  • Herpes

  • Inflammation

  • Cuts & open wounds

  • Bruises

  • Varicose Veins

  • Deep vein thrombosis

  • Broken bones

  • Burns

  • Some skin conditions or allergies

  • Under influence of drugs or alcohol