Holistic Therapy at With Ease
Iza Wijffels Iza Wijffels

Holistic Therapy at With Ease

Holistic therapy is a form of therapy where we work on physical, emotional, and mental levels. We combine bodywork, including massage therapy, somatic shaking, breathing, body awareness practices, and talk therapy to provide support from all three levels.

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Stories With Ease

'Stories with Ease' is a collection of stories from my heart to yours.

Through personal storytelling, I hope to provide you with a profound permission slip, allowing you to foster compassion and love for all that you are and bring into this world.

Why is massage so important for our wellbeing?

Massage is a therapeutic practice that has been used for thousands of years to improve physical and mental wellbeing…

Unlocking confidence: The power of Identity Osmosis

Seeking confidence has always felt to me like a war-like internal battle. The voice of insecurity can be so convincing.…

The ‘sensitive’ topic of touch

I've had numerous conversations with couples who continue to struggle with finding a touch that their partner enjoys and finds comfortable. I've also experienced my fair share of touches where I couldn't quite…

Another Perspective on Challenges we Face

Whether we're feeling overwhelmed by life, something challenging came our way or we're dealing with our own internal battles, I would love to offer you something. Not to take away at acknowledging that difficulty but to place it just as it is, in a new frame…

What is Somatic Shaking?

In the realm of holistic wellness and self-care practices, somatic shaking is gaining recognition as a powerful tool for healing…

We’re all of it

Resistance to what is is what creates suffering. So if we're acknowledging and allowing this part of our experience to be there, even for a moment, we can approach ourselves from a new place…

Mastering Stress and Overwhelm while Working - The power of the moments in between

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance that genuinely suits me is nowadays all about "the moments in between." For a long time, I considered this balance in a "work-hard-play-hard" manner…

Unlocking the body’s secrets

I would love to share with you something that happened during a recent massage session with a client just because I believe it may provide a lot of clarity for those dealing with certain tension, pain, or tightness in their body and who are unsure about the underlying causes.

5 Tips To Make the Most of your Romantic Massage Session

Having a romantic date night at home can be so special for your relationship. In my relationship its been a wonderful tool we use to connect, support each other and share special moments together…

From ‘Living Lightly‘ to ‘With Ease‘ - Our rebranding story

A little story-telling about the recent rebranding we went through. I am feeling so excited about this new chapter and can’t wait to share more all about it!

I am the type of person who flosses

‘I am the type of person who...‘ Sometimes, simply speaking these words within my own mind works wonders. What kind of person do I aspire to be?

Advice on Overwhelm

Something that has been incredibly helpful for me lately in dealing with overwhelm during my work is to write out what I am about to do before actually doing it.

The power of Holistic Therapy: Combination of talk therapy & bodywork as a tool for longterm well-being.

Our bodies have the innate capacity to shift our state. More and more people are recognizing the significance of taking a holistic approach…

The Breath

Recently I realized that if my breath would be the only thing I would focus on during the day, to refrain from stress, I would totally be okay.

Advice on Overwhelm

Something that has been incredibly helpful for me lately in dealing with overwhelm during my work is to write out what I am about to do before actually doing it.

Poem: Precious time

So the other day we walked & suddenly found ourselves in deep conversations with a young man, sitting the three of us, on the edge of the side walks A journey paused for a meeting between us.

Presence for Fulfillment

In my journey with Binge Eating Disorder, there have been so many lessons that I now see are applying to the bigger picture that is my life. The tools that helped me to let go of this never-ending loop of cravings, are now deep spiritual practices to me…

The ‘sensitive’ topic of touch

I've had numerous conversations with couples who continue to struggle with finding a touch that their partner enjoys and finds comfortable. I've also experienced my fair share of touches where I couldn't quite…