I’m Iza, founder of With Ease
For most of my life I moved through life disconnected from my body. As a very sensitive child, I think I learned early on that living from my head made it easier to cope with life. I could connect to other worlds in my mind, rationalize endlessly to make sense of my lived experience and seek out a (fake) sense of control.
Ever since I remember, I have analyzed my thoughts and emotions and the behavior of others. I made sense of my world through solid reasoning.
‘I made sense of my world through solid reasoning. ‘
My journey has been quite a ride. As long as we keep ourselves from simply feeling through our truthful experience, we find all sorts of ways to reflect, avoid and reject dealing with it. In my case it took the form of various eating disorders and anxiety.
About With Ease
I'd like to think of this community as a space where we collectively walk ourselves home. A safe space where we explore and understand our needs, emotional states, and beliefs, unraveling the intricacies of our unique systems.
When we establish a genuine connection with ourselves, it's inevitable that we'll be able to view others from that same lens of love and compassion as well. It is from this space that we can recognize the profound needs underlying the actions and responses of others. By focusing on the unspoken but deeply felt words, we can authentically connect with each other, truly seeing and acknowledging one another's unique experience, but somehow relating to it too.
In illuminating the light and brightness within ourselves, we simultaneously illuminate it in everything around.
I hope to offer, within everything I do, a container for you to connect deeper with yourself. To soften into the sharper edges you might experience and to allow your system to come back to a state of internal safety.
My healing journey
I believe we are handed cards which always carry both the struggle and the gift. Healing my relationship with food and strengthening my own emotional intelligence over the years, has brought with it the ability of holding a safe space.
‘I believe we are handed cards which always carry both the struggle and the gift.‘
I now try to come home to my body every single day. Breathing into the spaces where it hurts and using both my mind and my physiology to guide me in life.
Our bodies are so wise.
The power of a present touch
This is exactly why I am so passionate about massage & a present touch. Massage is a tool to slow down together. We allow the natural unfolding of the energy in our system by simply paying attention to it. Taking a moment to be with it.
Something happens in a space of wonder, when all we bring is our presence. It's the resistance which causes the suffering after all. What if we would let go? Let go of expectation and honor the place where we are at.
The biggest gift I can bring to myself are these moments of a simple soft question mark
‘How are you doing, sweetheart?’
‘What becomes louder when I become quiet?’
‘What yearns to be seen, simply for the sake of being acknowledged?’
I believe safe spaces are therefore so important. We don’t need to walk this journey by ourselves. The support is not here, because we are incapable to do it alone, but because that other person can play the container we unravel in. The space-holder is like the fertile soil the flower grows in.
It’s not the ground that makes the flower grow (that’s because of the internal mechanics of the plant), but it’s working like a catalyst.
& why not have the extra support where we can find it?
Thank you for being here!