Holistic Therapy at With Ease


3 min

Holistic therapy is a form of therapy where we work on physical, emotional, and mental levels. We combine bodywork, including massage therapy, somatic shaking, breathing, body awareness practices, and talk therapy to provide support from all three levels.

Our body keeps the score. When we experience something intense or don’t feel safe in a situation, we may not fully express our emotions. These emotions can remain stored in the body and, over time, can lead to physical discomfort or even pain.

Symptoms can include: Brain fog, anxiety, overwhelm, overthinking, tension in the neck or shoulders etc.

At With Ease, we always start with an intake session. Here, we first look at whether something on a physical level might be contributing to the issues. This could include sleep patterns, eating habits, hydration, movement, nutrient deficiencies, substance abuse, or medication use. After this, we map out your story together through conversation.

The next two sessions will dive into the topic of identity. Each of us carries various aspects of identity within us. These identities hold certain thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. We react to situations based on a specific identity. By identifying these aspects, we shed light on why situations are as they are and why we respond the way we do. From there, we explore which identity we would prefer to respond from.

After giving this topic the attention it needs (sometimes it takes longer than three sessions), we move into the transformation phase. This is where bodywork and integration come into play. How do we take what we now know mentally and truly integrate it into our lives, making it a natural part of our actions and habits?

These subsequent sessions are more flexible and will look different for each individual.

Every third session, we take a few minutes for a meta-conversation where we reflect on our progress and decide what else needs to be done. This type of conversation also helps to naturally conclude our time working together.

On average, these journeys take about 6-8 sessions.

Curious to find out in Holistic Therapy at With ease could work for you?

Let’s hop on a free discovery call together!


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