So what can happen during a with Ease massage?

I would love to give some insight into what a With Ease massage is actually about.
The first thing I always feel compelled to say when someone asks about this method is: come and experience it for yourself. We can only express so much with words, but our physical and emotional experience goes far beyond language.
However, if I had to explain it, this is what I would say: 
girl massaging feet wearing a black outfit

What Is the With Ease Massage?

The With Ease massage is built upon many techniques from the Rebalancing Massage Method. After working in the world of massage and therapy for seven years, this method has become the result of my experiences—a combination of everything I have found to be truly powerful.

The first thing I always feel compelled to say when someone asks about this method is: come and experience it for yourself. We can only express so much with words, but our physical and emotional experience goes far beyond language.

However, if I had to explain it, I would say that With Ease massage is an energetic massage.

Just as I shared in this story (🔗 Why I started doing the With Ease Massage Practitioner trainings), I offer massages to create a space where people can let their guard down.


Emotional dissonance and physical tension

In daily life, it’s not always safe or appropriate for us to fully express our emotions. Sometimes, we feel something, and the environment allows us to express it freely. But in many situations, that’s not the case. Think about how you behave at work or in social settings—there are unspoken behavioral rules we tend to follow.

When our internal emotional state is not in resonance with the situation, we experience emotional dissonance.

At its core, emotions are simply energy in motion. But when we don’t have the proper space to process them, they don’t move through us—they become stored in the body as physical tension. This can build up over time, especially in fast-paced, high-pressure lifestyles where we rarely pause to reflect and release.

Physical tension can arise from two main sources:

  • Emotional dissonance (unprocessed emotions that the body stores as tension)

  • Prolonged static positioning (holding stiff, unhealthy postures for too long)

Both of these patterns block the natural flow of energy in the body, leading to stiffness, discomfort, and even long-term pain.

What the science says

If all of this sounds a bit airy-fairy, I understand. But science backs up this connection between emotions, tension, and the nervous system.

When we experience stress or suppress emotions, our autonomic nervous system (ANS)—specifically the sympathetic nervous system—triggers a fight-or-flight response. This leads to increased muscle tension, higher cortisol levels, and reduced circulation. If we don’t return to a relaxed state (the parasympathetic nervous system response), these tensions can become chronic.

Research in psychoneuroimmunology and somatic therapy suggests that unresolved emotions contribute to chronic pain, inflammation, and even immune system suppression. Methods like massage, breathwork, and body awareness techniques help regulate the nervous system, allowing the body to release stored tension and return to a state of balance.


How With Ease Massage Helps

The With Ease massage is about creating a safe environment where someone can release tension and open up, allowing energy to flow freely again.

This is often deeply relaxing because it brings a sense of liberation and softness. But letting our guard down can also feel intense—sometimes emotions that haven’t been fully processed resurface during the session.

The massage may bring about:

  • Shaking or trembling (a natural response of the nervous system releasing tension)

  • Crying or laughter (emotional release)

  • Sighing or deep exhaling (letting go of stored energy)

The goal is to stay curious and explore. We’re simply checking in with what is alive within you and allowing it to move through—whatever that may be.

If you’d like to explore becoming a massage therapist yourself, you can learn more about our trainings here:

Would love to see you there. 💛

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