From ‘Living Lightly‘ to ‘With Ease‘

Our rebranding story

written by Iza Wijffels


Let’s do a little story telling. Recently we went through a rebranding, changing the name of our practice from ‘Living Lightly‘ to ‘With Ease‘. I am feeling so excited about this new chapter and can’t wait to share more all about it!


Founding Living Lightly

I founded Living Lightly over three years ago as a safe container designed to support people in returning home to themselves. The clinic initially focused exclusively on women struggling with their relationship with food. Through group coaching, various events, and one-on-one journeys, I supported clients in liberating themselves from something that often consumed most of their day-to-day lives.

In 2021, Living Lightly shifted its focus to become more centered around massage therapy. Massage is an incredible tool for reconnecting with our bodies and experiencing things that we sometimes can't quite grasp mentally. Simplicity is discovered through the felt sense. At Living Lightly, we offer deep massage therapy sessions and have eventually started hosting various courses and workshops, teaching others to share the gift of touch in a professional or romantic way.

‘In 2021, Living Lightly shifted its focus to become more centered around massage therapy

Craving a change

Over the past couple of months, I have been craving a change. While I loved teaching, bringing people together, allowing them to share something so intimate with each other, and helping them learn how to create a safe container, I feel that the focus needs to shift.


Last year, I graduated from my studies as a Professional Counselor. Counseling, to me, is one of the most beautiful forms of talk therapy available. Just like massage, it's all about presence. It's about creating a safe space for someone to explore deep questions and being a companion while they heal from the challenges they are facing. In counseling, the focus is entirely on the client and their innate competence in understanding their own authentic path in life. Instead of offering advice, we ask questions. Instead of showing them the way, we explore the potential paths together. It's empowering.

The future of ‘With Ease’

This is where we are continuing from. We're combining both talk therapy (counseling) and bodywork to create a fully holistic approach to wellness.

"With Ease" is all about returning home to ourselves. It's a place where you can delve deeper within yourself, rest, find ease, and receive genuine support.

The primary focus will be on talk therapy, which will be available online.

Secondly, the focus will be on bodywork. This includes Living Lightly Massage Therapy, as well as somatic shaking journeys.

Shaking is a powerful somatic practice for regulating the nervous system. Trauma, stress, and tension can become ingrained within our system when we fail to consciously release them through movement. During a shaking practice, we release these holding patterns and allow energy to flow freely throughout our bodies. This experience can feel liberating, relaxing, emotional, or all of the above.

Thirdly, I will be hosting a weekly sacred circle that will involve both somatic shaking and journaling. This gathering brings the community together, fosters accountability for all of us who need it, and continues the holistic approach that underlies everything we offer.

I'm incredibly excited about this next chapter of With Ease.

Thank you for sticking with me if you've made it all the way here!

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