
‘What is Living Lightly massage?’

Living Lightly Massage is a deep and slow type of oil massage. We use mainly the techniques of the Rebalancing Massage.

So many of us have the deep desire to slow down and connect back to ourselves. Massage is a beautiful tool to bring softness to the body & soul, through presence and touch. To, for a little moment in time, have nothing else to do then to 'be'. Just you, with all you are.

In daily life we sometimes don’t feel safe to fully express ourselves. The energy which needed to come out gets stuck in the body, creating physical tension over time. For energy to be released, it needs to come up and be felt, to move out.

Through deep body work, shaking and soft yoga stretches, we support the body, mind and heart back to a state of balance.

Together we create a safe, supportive, calming environment, which will serve as a cocoon for you to unravel and rest in.

‘How long does a massage session take?’

I offer two types of massage sessions:

60 minutes:

We have a short checkin at the beginning, following a 60 minute Living Lightly massage session. Afterwards there is some time to rest and return back to the space with some tea or water.

90 minutes:

This is a more extensive experience. We start with a deeper introductory practice to return deeper into the body prior to the massage (it may include: shaking, breathing, guided meditation etc). Followed is the 60 minute massage session.

‘Where do you do the massages?’

The massage clinic is based in Bos & Lommer (Hondiusstraat 10-1).


‘How much do the massages cost?’

60 minute session: 65 euros

90 minute sessions: 85 euros

I also offer different massage packages, which means the massages will be cheaper (5-10% discount)

Check out the different packages here:

3 x 60 minutes package

5 x 60 minutes package

3 x 90 minutes package

5 x 90 minutes package

‘Do I get a discount if I go for one of the massage packages?’

Yes, when we’re going on a longer journey together and purchase one of the massage packages, you’ll receive a 5-10% discount on the sessions.

Check out the different packages here:

3 x 60 minutes package

5 x 60 minutes package

3 x 90 minutes package

5 x 90 minutes package

‘Are there some reasons why I shouldn’t receive this massage?’

Yes, there are some contraindications to this massage.

Check out the full list here.

If you still have questions, always feel free to reach out!

Living Lightly Massage trainings

‘I just want to learn how to give massages to friends & family, could this training still be nice for me?’

Yes, a lot of people went through the training for exactly that reason.

How nice is it if you are able to gift your loved ones a full-on massage experience instead of the simple shoulder rub you have always done

(which is super nice as well of course!)

‘I don’t have any experience with massage yet, can I still do this training?’

This training is for both beginners and more intermediate.

Since we will be learning all the strokes and techniques from the very beginning, it is not necessary to have experience prior to starting the training.

We dive deeply into practices to gain sensitivity in our hands to improve the way we touch & how to give a professional experience to your client.

You will have all the tools necessary to start your massage journey after this weekend!

‘When & where is this training given?’

The training is given on multiple locations in Amsterdam. The exact location will be communicated at least a week prior to the start of the training.

The trainings are done in: our location in Bos & Lommer or in a beautiful artsy space, right next to Amsterdam Sloterdijk station.

We offer our massage trainings almost every month. You can check out the next training here!

‘Can I try the massage before I do the training?’

Yes, of course! I would recommend trying out the massage prior to learning it haha!

You can book your session here!


I have another question!

That is great! You can send you question to me by email at iamlivinglightly@gmail.comor by sending a private message on Instagram!