How can we bring more love in instead?
We are so often very quick to focus on what we don’t like about our lifestyle, ourselves, or our environment.
We focus on what we don’t see around us, what is not how we like it to be. Our Western mind gives us the urge for ongoing improvement and dissatisfaction.
When it comes to struggles around eating emotionally, we can have the same mindset. We believe we should fix that habit, that desire to overeat, that pattern of distraction and coping.
In the Universe, there are two forces. The force that pulls towards and the force that pulls away. Fear, rejection, anger, frustration, and insecurity all contain the force of pulling away. Love, compassion, and acceptance bring a pull towards.
When we are looking at our habits around eating from the perspective of ‘needing' to fix it, we are actually pulling away from ourselves. We create this inner conflict between the desire to do something and the thought that we shouldn’t be doing it.
‘What if rather than shifting our habits and focusing on how to change our ways, we focus on bringing more love in?‘
What if rather than shifting our habits and focusing on how to change our ways, we focus on bringing more love in? Bringing that pull towards more into our daily lives. Instead of fighting ourselves over the ‘bad behavior’ we implement a new practice into our life that has that loving energy. We implement a meditation practice right before dinner, to check in with ourselves. We go for a walk in nature every single day on our lunch break. We call our best friend to share our feelings while walking the dog.
‘Instead of sticking to this neverending conflict, we give up the fight altogether. ‘
Instead of sticking to this neverending conflict, we give up the fight altogether. Anytime when emotional eating happens, we are curious instead of judgemental. Why does this come up now? What is the need I am trying to meet with this behavior? What is the situation like?
Becoming aware of our patterns gives us the ability to recognize them at the moment, so we have been gifted back our freedom of choice. When we know how we behave automatically, but we recognize it now before it happens, we get to think about how we rather would like to behave? Not by fighting ourselves at the moment, but by checking in after how we could bring more love into this situation next time?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this kind of controversial, but powerful concept <3 Is this something you would like to try?
So much love to you,
Photo by Annie Spratton Unsplash