What Freedom means to me

My feet are immersed in the sand, as I walk along the shore. The sun is warming my face in the perfect way and a soft breeze touches my skin. There are a lot of people on the beach, but somehow it still feels spacious and peaceful. I close my eyes and feel the smile on my face. This is what freedom feels like.

It reminds me of the feeling I used to have all the time, years ago while traveling through south east Asia. I would move from one place to another, exploring new sites I have never stepped upon. Freedom feels like being on the wings of a bird, suddenly not only seeing everything from this higher perspective, but also feeling like you can fly everywhere you wish to, at any given moment. Freedom is both clarity and peace. 


I know I have been limiting my own freedom for the past years. As my body grew older, my mind set up new expectations for myself and at some point, I started to believe that life is just supposed to be ‘hard’. We have tasks that we need to finish and there is always more to do. Every single day for the past two years, I felt like I didn’t do or achieve enough.


Walking here, feeling again this familiar sense of liberation (that was actually always mine to have) I remember again what is truly important. We all get to decide the way we want to live.We don’t need to look around us and adapt, we need to look within. When did you feel most expansive in your life? When did you walk out on to the street and could do nothing but smile? 


We can create a life which is both purposeful and free. A life where creativity can flow naturally, because we don’t tie it down or set expectations for it. A life where we show up every day exactly as we are and we give what we have to give. A life where we can simply be ourselves. As a coach I want to walk my own talk of being true to yourself. To show up as the woman I am today, which will look so different from one day to another. I know my passions and my huge desire to support and create, but I don’t want to frame it. I want to live it.


What is it for you? How do you want to live your life? What does freedom mean to you?

Photo by Toa Heftibaon Unsplash

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