A dance between doing & being.

Yes my darling. Your excitement is contagious.

Yes, your passion for what you are creating is fuel to bring anything you desire into fruition.

You have these moments where you feel unstoppable and so that’s what you do.. you don’t stop. You get on and go along, longer and faster than anyone else. There is this part of you who wants to create out of passion, yet another part believes you need this pace & pressure to make sure of your worthiness. To make sure that you are enough, when you do enough. When you do even more than someone else. Staying up later, going on without a break, skipping the weekend sometimes. Forgetting to nourish yourself, to become still within yourself and listen. What truth do you hear when everything becomes quiet? When did you last take the time to ask that?

 ‘You have these moments where you feel unstoppable and so that’s what you do.. you don’t stop‘

We need to feed the producer in order to keep producing. We need to give ourselves what we are so forcefully trying to give to the world. Our attention, our love, our passion. If you want to give, give also to yourself. Make sure that your vessel is fuelled, that your heart is soft and your mind is calm. The most beautiful creation happens anyway when we experience silence within ourselves. Then suddenly...something magical appears. It is that what remains. The truth that stays when all the chatter leaves. That is the magical button to create from. 

Let’s dance together, you & me, forever. A dance from doing, to being. From giving to receiving. From watering ourselves, to watering each other. Let’s truly listen to our own wisdom that we are trying so rigidly to share. I am here with you.




Loving your body


What this society fails to tell us