Chapter of our lives


Chapter of our lives

What I would share with my future daughter

I often think about the things I’ll one day share with my child—things I look back on now and realize I wished I would have known at the time.

Although life brings its purest wisdom through experience and we can only truly understand what we’ve lived through, I would love to shed a little more light on this specific piece for her.

I remember traveling and feeling like life would always look the way it did in that moment. I remember walking from one village in the Himalayas of India to another, looking back while climbing rocks to see an incredible view, and thinking: "I will do this my whole life."

At that time, around the age of 21, life felt like an open wide field. I dreamed about all the potential roads I could take, feeling like I could do anything and everything was possible for me.

Apart from the fact that I truly believe life will always offer us the opportunity to change course and do anything we set our minds to (we can do anything, just not everything), I now see how our lives exist in chapters.

Perhaps this is partly influenced by society's straightforward view of life, but something about it feels very pure.

We need and desire different things at different times. While the 21-year-old me desired the wildness of backpacking, uprooting herself for new adventures, now I find joy in a different type of life. A life where I can consciously plant seeds, water them intentionally, and watch them grow.

I’m no longer searching for new things as much as I did, and I am now loving to deepen my connection with what already surrounds me.

One day, I hope to tell my child about this wisdom, perhaps as we look at a tree I planted years before…

We live life in chapters, and we can consciously enjoy each one, knowing they don’t last forever.

But nothing in our life can actually leave us.

All of the experiences that came and went are now memories alive within us.

So the death of things is not the end of things.

It’s a transition to a new place for us to be.

Yet all of it is part of our life story.




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