Failure is not real

Just a piece of thought

What If we can’t make mistakes? What if we are here just experiencing life. Sometimes trying out something new to us.

A new country, a new job, a new relationship, a new hobby.

And eventually we arrive back to a familiar place, person or activity.

The word failure instantly takes away all value this phase of life has actually given to us.

Photo by Daniela Holzer on Unsplash

Photo by Daniela Holzer on Unsplash

‘The word failure instantly takes away all value this phase of life has actually given to us.’

And it always brings us a lot.

When you think about a certain period of your life, which now you may feel wasn’t the right thing for you, there are so many things you got from that.

Valuable revelations you could only have learned then, tools you needed to pick up there which you needed for where you are today, people who you met who now mean the world to you.

There is always something.

Failures are just experiences that we have as a human being, that make us grow.


My inner voice


The clouds of the mind