My inner voice
When it comes to the journey of self- love and connection, we are all trying to trust and follow our inner voice.
Our intuition
Our gutfeeling
That knowing that comes, before our mind steps in.
The feeling you get, which most of us explain away with our thinking and our logic.
I hear the voice. I hear it whisper gently, becoming louder whenever I get silent.
I hear it sometimes jump of excitement in the background or I hear it cautioning me.
I am still figuring out how to honour it all the time.
How to not reject it, how to not walk away from it.
‘I hear it sometimes jump of excitement in the background or I hear it cautioning me.’
Photo by Fabian Albert on Unsplash
What keeps coming back to me is this: This voice is the only thing that will be with me all throughout life.
It is actually the only certainty I have.
It is the observer of my journey.
It is the one who already knows.
Perhaps it is my soul, my higher self, perhaps it is just ‘me’ at my core.
Some might call it God, the Universe, the path that is meant for me. Perhaps the voice is my guardian, watching out for me every step of the way.
‘This voice is the only thing that will be with me all throughout life. ‘
It feels comforting, to think about it that way. That there is something out there always sticking out for me.
While throughout life, even when I try to hold on to all of it so tightly, everything changes all the time.
People around me will change,
my feelings change,
my thoughts shift all the time.
My concept of Self (all the boxes I have put myself in and which now ’define’ me) will evolve over my lifespan.
Even my body will never be the same after today.
Nothing stays.
Accept for that part within me, that whispers.
It will be there throughout everything.
So let’s honor it.
Lets become silent, so it can share with us what it knows.
And lets become so familiar with how it talks with us, that we can always feel like we are not alone in our journey. But that there is something or someone guiding us all along the way!