How to use the Hunger Spectrum Tracker

** Find the FREE file of the Hunger Spectrum Tracker to download at bottom of the post!

While we grew up, our parents would ask us:

Are you hungry?

We would feel and say yes or no. As a child, we tend to be more intuitive and be able to connect to our bodies in a deeper way. Over time, our mind starts to create stories. We might say ‘Yes, I am hungry’, just because it is 6PM and you are always having dinner at this time.

Our Hunger is a spectrum

The Hunger Spectrum Tracker is a great tool to use in your Intuitive Eating journey. Just like so many things in life, hunger is not a black or white thing. It is a spectrum. We can be not hungry, a bit hungry or very hungry. Nauseous, uncomfortably full, ravenous or straight-out hangry! Teaching ourselves to check in with our hunger before meals and throughout the day, is an important step in gaining the awareness to eat in connection to our bodies. To eat Intuitively.

Living Lightly - Hunger Spectrum Tracker

How to use the Hunger Spectrum Tracker?

This Hunger Spectrum Tracker is a tool to use throughout the day and before meals. It is simply a reminder to ask yourself: How hungry am I right now? What is the size of the dish my body needs right now?

0-2 are the numbers to remind us that we should not be eating at this time. We can best wait until we have digested our food and have increased the number on the scale.

3-5 are the more neutral numbers. We don’t need to eat yet, but we can sense we will be hungry in some time again. If we do decide to eat, it might be great to have just a small plate or something light (fruit, vegetables, small snack).

6-7 are numbers to tell you, you are ready to eat soon. This is the best place to be in, when you are starting to cook your meal!

8 is definitely the number where we want to focus our attention to food. We want to make sure we eat, before the number increases even more.

9-10 are the numbers which tell us we have waited a bit too long before eaten. It is a clue for us to know we have to make sure we eat before or we make sure we have some snacks around if we don’t have a meal available to us.

Tips and Tricks


I would highly recommend to print this image and put it on to your refrigerator or somewhere in the kitchen or dining room. Before starting to cook or taking the food out of the fridge, ask yourself: How hungry am I, on a scale of 0-10?

Size of the plate

Something which has been so helpful for me in my journey towards Intuitive Eating, is to connect my hunger cue numbers with the size of the plate I use (or even the spoon I use).

When I am a bit hungry, (5 or 6) but feel I want to eat something (because I don't have time later on or I just feel I want to have something) I will have a small plate. These are also great numbers to have some fruit instead of a full meal.

Food is available

Making sure you have food available to you, is very important when starting out with listening to your hunger cues. When we know that food is within reach, we feel there is time and space to grab it whenever. When we know there is not really something around (we have to buy something or prepare a dish), our attention will be focussed on food more. Having some food prepared in the fridge or some snacks with you on the road, can give you the peace of mind to truly listen to your hunger cues!

Please download and print this format or create your own on any piece of paper or in any note book you might have!

Download the Hunger Spectrum Tracker for FREE here

I would love to know your experiences with the Hunger Spectrum Tracker and what you have learned about your hunger cues in the process!

Check also my other posts on great tools when starting your Intuitive Eating journey

**Warning: Sometimes we need to take other steps in healing our relationship with food, before starting our journey towards Intuitive Eating. If you find yourself already focussing on food and what you eat all the time, a Hunger Tracker might not be the best thing for you to start with! First we need to allow ourselves and let go of the mental restrictions we have put on ourselves, before taking this next step! If you have any questions, feel always free to leave them here or to reach out!

XX Iza


Blessing your food - Journey to Intuitive Eating


Out of the Belly Box!