List of inspiring Body Positivity videos!

**Go down for the list of Body Positivity videos **

Our visual diet

One of the first exercises I always tend to do with clients, is to become aware of their VISUAL DIET. Throughout the day there are so many things we see and focus on, which all affect us. Just like they are saying we are the average of our five friends, we belief the average of the things we see on a daily basis!

Therefore it is incredibly important that we are aware of what we are taking in, paying attention to and to decide if we really want to be influenced in that way?

What included our visual diet

  • Social Media Feed

  • Videos

  • Commercials

  • Books/Magazines

  • Other human beings

Steps to take to filter your visual diet:

Some parts of our visual diet we are not able to change. We are not able to control who we meet on the street or what kind of commercials come our way. However, there are definitely some things we can control and make a conscious decision about if we want to look at it or not!

  1. Ask yourself: How does this actually make me feel? How do I feel after watching this content?

    Sometimes we may think we feel inspired, but it actually leaves us with this feeling of ‘lack‘ within our own lives or within ourselves. Whenever this is the case, the content is not lifting us up, but making us feel more insecure.

  2. Filter all the content/pages/videos/people who are making you feel worse about yourself, your lifestyle and your life! You want to make sure you are building yourself up with the things you decide to watch!

  3. Add accounts/people and watch videos which truly inspire you and make you feel GOOD!

To get you started, here is a list of videos which have INSPIRED ME and have been helpful on my journey!

List of Body Positivity videos

  1. Ending the pursuit of perfection - Iskra Lawrence | TedxUniversityofNevada

  2. Plus size? More like my size | Ashley Graham | TedxBerkleeValencia

  3. Iskra Lawrence - How I learned to love my body | Body stories | SELF

  4. Living without shame: How we can empower ourselves | Whitney Thore | TedxGreensboro

  5. I am Fat - How to be confident and love your body at any size | Victoria Welsby | TedxStanleypark

  6. What will happen to my weight?! (the best set point video) | Foodshues | Life with Lydia.

  7. Body Image lessons from a sick kid | Claire Wineland

  8. Diets don’'t work. Body respect does | Linda Bacon

Is there anything you could add to this list? What has inspired you and made you feel truly good about yourself? I would love to hear from you!


The Illusionary image of the Fashion and Make-up Industry


Call out to the ‘Cheat Day’