The Illusionary image of the Fashion and Make-up Industry

We are sold an illusion. An illusion that not only a product will make us FEEL better, but an illusion that we are supposed to look a certain way. The commercials of clothing brands, of make-up lines, of lingerie companies and most of the other type of commercials out there, show us a filtered, unreal, airbrushed image of what perfection could be like.


History of Beauty

Understanding that in some cultures and about a 100 years ago in western society as well, the beauty-standard is and was very different than it is now in our culture. In India a large belly shows the family has food to spare. The family is abundant, which is symbolized by the waistline of the family members. 


Image of the perfect body

So, we have this image in our mind. The girl should have a toned body, but big boobs and a big ass. Should be curved in all the right places, with an equal skin from top to bottom. She should be symmetrical and well proportioned. The boy should have a six pack, hair growth in all the right places, broad shoulders and taller than his partner.

And so, we see these pictures, we are surrounded by it. We see these celebrities on the red carpet with the perfect hair and the perfect body and we think we are supposed to be that way. (even though they have just spend 2 hours in the make-up chair and their images are altered) So, we buy the make-up, we keep looking for the right fitted clothes (which are often so uncomfortable) and we start another diet and fitness program. We have this unachievable image in our mind and feel we need to look a certain way, so we can truly be loved. So, no one will leave us, and we will finally feel GOOD ENOUGH. Confident and comfortable in our own skin. We buy the products, we lose the weight, we restrict ourselves. And we look in the mirror. and see exactly the same. Imperfections and lack.

 We can’t find Self-Worth looking for anything external

We can’t find self-worth looking for anything external. Ever. We have to go inside of us and healing from within. Because taking any action with the intention of needing to change ourselves, is not a loving action. So, nor the result will bring us the satisfaction we are looking for.

Of course, we can buy a beautiful dress, wear great perfume and work out. But let’s do it from a healthy place. With a loving intention. Let’s do it, because we want to feel good inside of our body. Because we want to celebrate our body, because we adore the smell and want to be around it all day. Because the fabric is soft and comfortable, and it makes us feel good wearing it. 

Companies are feeding on our insecurities for sales 

Companies are using our insecurities for sales. Our body is not meant to be squeezed into a box. It’s meant to be unique and it’s enough today. Right in the moment. This body is the whole reason you are here. It works for you every single moment, doing all these complex processes which our mind will never fully comprehend. And even though we speak awfully to it, it stays a loyal friend to us.

And beauty is to be found everywhere and within anything. In the structure of a wall, a single piece of grass and a sunset. It is to be found in stretch marks, the belly pouch and the freckles. Your body tells a story of all phases of your life. It’s to be celebrated, not tucked away. It’s time to change this game!


Let us come home to our body!

Let us speak kindly to ourselves in the mirror and actually connect with that part we are insecure about. Let us call out the things our body does for us, every single day! Let us move our body in a way that feels right. Let us loose the restrictions, come home to our bodies and trust it is wiser than our mind in making decisions for us. And let us leave all these stories marketing tells us, let us ignore anyone who tells us we are not good enough. We were born enough. Let us realize fully that we are sold something unreal, for the sake of making business and go out there not taking part of it any longer. You are worth it, because you were born worthy.



How to use the Food Journal


List of inspiring Body Positivity videos!