The Pressure Number System: 1# Tool to Enhance Your Massage Experience


The Pressure Number System

1# Tool to Enhance Your Massage Experience

When it comes to giving a massage, understanding the right amount of pressure to apply is key. 

Every individual has unique pressure preferences, and what may be too much pressure for one person could be the perfect touch for another. This is where the pressure number system comes in—a powerful tool that allows you to gauge and adjust the pressure based on your partner's feedback

‘Every individual has unique pressure preferences‘

During my massage trainings & workshops this is the tool I always bring into the teachings, as it is so important to learn how your pressure is being received by the other.

In this article, we will explore how the pressure number system works and how it can enhance your massage experience.

How does the number system work?

The pressure number system is a simple yet effective way to communicate and adjust the pressure during a massage session. 

It involves using a scale of numbers from 1 to 10 to rate the pressure experienced by your partner. Especially at the beginning of your massage journey together, asking them regularly to rate the pressure with a number, lets you gain valuable information about their comfort level and allows you to tailor the massage accordingly.

‘Scale of numbers from 1 to 10 to rate the pressure experienced by your partner‘

Why are we using a number system instead of adjectives?

The reason why using numbers instead of adjectives, is to allow our partner to still be in their own body and not get too much into their head.

The only thing they have to do is to feel into their body and respond with the number that explains most closely their felt-experience. When we’re trying to explain ourselves through adjectives, we might lose that connection to our body.  

How to use this system during your massage session?

When using the number system, start by asking your partner to rate the pressure they are feeling on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very soft and 10 being too much pressure.

This initial rating provides a baseline for you to work with. 

The actual system


Pressure is experienced very soft.

May be increased.


Pressure is nice,

but still space to be increased.



Perfect pressure to release the tension of the muscle.


Too much pressure.

Pressure should be adjusted directly.

Too much pressure
If the number they provide is above 7, it indicates that the pressure is too intense for them, and you should immediately adjust it to a level below 7.. You can lighten your touch, use gentler strokes, or simply reduce the force applied. This ensures that your partner feels comfortable and avoids any potential discomfort or pain.

Perfect pressure

On the other hand, if your partner rates the pressure as 7, it signifies that they are experiencing the perfect level of pressure—a heavenly sensation that helps release tension from their muscles. This is the sweet spot where both you and your partner can fully enjoy the massage.

The pressure number system also highlights the importance of open communication between you and your partner. Encourage them to share when the pressure exceeds 7, as it serves as an invitation for you to adjust it.

Remember, the pressure number is an informative tool, not a judgment or criticism of your technique.

Checking in with yourself too

As the person giving the massage, it is equally important to check in with yourself when the pressure number is below 7.

Take a moment to assess whether you are comfortable increasing the pressure or if you have reached your own limit. It's crucial to prioritize your own well-being and avoid straining yourself during the massage.

‘Take a moment to assess whether you are comfortable increasing the pressure‘

In conclusion,

the pressure number system is a valuable tool that empowers you to deliver a massage that is both enjoyable and personalized.

By asking your partner to rate the pressure using a number scale, you can adjust and adapt accordingly, providing them with the perfect touch.

Remember to maintain open communication, prioritize your partner's comfort, and check in with yourself to create a massage experience that is truly blissful for both of you.

Did you try the number system already? What do you think about it and how did it help you?

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