Connecting Deeper with Your Partner - Our #1 Tool to Become More Present


Connecting Deeper with Your Partner

Our #1 Tool to Become More Present

Our attention is the most beautiful gift we can give someone.

Attention is what we focus on. In our day-to-day life, with so many distractions and things on our mind, it can feel very difficult to be fully present with our partner. When giving them a massage, we want to be fully there.

This is a very short but powerful practice you can do during or right before giving a massage to your partner. The practice allows you to connect with your sensory experience. We can only notice our sensations in this present moment. Therefore, we can come back to our body and this moment in time by becoming aware of our five senses.

‘The practice allows you to connect with your sensory experience. ‘

Truly feeling what we feel

Truly seeing what we see

Truly experiencing what we experience…

Our 5 tips to make the most of your massage session >>

The ‘5 Senses’ Practice

Every step can be done for an extended period of time.

You can finish this practice within 30 seconds or take a few minutes for each step. Start by closing your eyes if you feel comfortable, or keep them open if you prefer.

  1. First, take a moment to listen to what you hear. Notice any sounds coming into your awareness through your ears

  2. Turn your attention to your sense of smell. Perhaps you smell a scented candle or the aroma of the massage oil or the perfume of your partner. Notice it.

  3. Become aware of your sense of taste. Do you notice any taste in your mouth? Most of the time, there is a subtlety. Can you notice it?

  4. Then, focus on feeling what you feel. You might touch your partner and feel the tips of your fingers or the palm of your hands touching them. If you’re not touching them, simply notice the felt sensation within your own body. How are your feet touching the floor? Are your hands touching anything? Is there a texture, a temperature, or a sensation you can notice?

  5. Open your eyes now and see what you see. Observe your surroundings with curiosity. 

When doing the practice with your eyes open, your partner doesn’t even have to notice you doing it.

But what we do feel is when somebody is fully there in the experience with us. Use this practice as a way to deeper connect with your partner.

‘Allow yourself to be taken over by the moment, fully immersed in the massage.’

Let me know if you tried this practice and how it supported you!

Would you like to dive deeper into the art of massage with your partner? >>


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Poem: Precious time