5 Tips To Make the Most of your Romantic Massage Session


5 Tips To Make the Most of your Romantic Massage Session

Massage is not only about using different techniques on your partner, to have them rest and relax. Here are some important things to keep in mind to make the most of your massage experience together. 

  1. Set the mood

Creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere is essential for enhancing the intimacy of a massage. Start by dimming the lights or turning them off completely, and lighting some candles.

Soft, calming music can also help to create a relaxing atmosphere. Aromatherapy can be another great way to enhance the experience by using essential oils such as lavender, which is known for its calming properties.

You can use a diffuser, scented candles, or massage oils infused with essential oils to create a calming and romantic atmosphere.

2. Communicate openly & lovingly

Effective communication is key to a successful massage. Partners should communicate their preferences for pressure, technique, and areas to focus on. This can help to ensure that both partners are comfortable and can enjoy the experience fully. Be sure to check in with each other throughout the massage to make sure the pressure and techniques being used are effective and comfortable.

‘Effective communication is key to a successful massage’

3. Take turns

To create a balanced and equitable experience, partners can take turns giving and receiving massages. This allows each partner to experience the benefits of massage and to feel valued and appreciated. This can also help to deepen the connection between partners as each person takes on the role of giver and receiver.

This doesn’t mean you have to switch right after. You can have one night where you are giving your partner a massage and then the date night after he is the one massaging you.

4. Focus on sensuality

To enhance the sensual aspect of massage, you can focus on the sensation of touch and physical sensations. This can include using different textures of fabric, such as silk or fur, or incorporating other sensory experiences such as taste or scent. Experimenting with different textures and sensations can add an element of novelty and excitement to the experience. Think about using scented candles or essential oils. 

5. Be present

I saved the best for last. To fully experience the intimacy of massage, presence is everything. Focus on the physical sensations and emotions that arise. This means putting aside distractions such as phones or TV and being fully engaged with your partner. By being present in the moment, you can deepen their connection and create a more intimate experience.

Our 1# tool to increase your presence with your partner >>


By following these tips, partners can enhance the intimacy of their massages and deepen their connection. Remember that the goal of a couple's massage is to create a relaxing and intimate experience, so focus on enjoying the moment and creating a safe and loving space for each other.

Much love, X Iza

Would you like to learn how to massage together and have a beautiful date night learning from the comfort of your own home?

Read more about our online couple massage course here:


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