The bravery of listening to our inner truth


Listening to your inner truth is a brave choice.

Mindfulness is intertwined with bravery, since we decide to shed light on places we otherwise would cover up.

There is great comfort in the discomfort of the familiar after all.

And it's with the knowing, that we cant un-know.

I believe we all yearn for a deep connection with ourselves.

We feel the need when we're stressed, when we're feeling dependent on the love of another, when we're getting stuck into unhelpful behavioral patterns. 

It's the longing for a safe space within ourselves, where all of us can be heard and seen.

Yet at the same time, what if these voices speak a truth that is in disalignment with the choices you have been making? 

With the life you have created for yourself?

Only the brave, walk the path of fully following their intuition in these moments.

Decide to trust so deeply in this inner knowing, that they shift big things in their lives.

And it all starts with taking these moments, to listen.

To soften the edges of the belief system around 'How we need to be' or 'What we need to do' and to just listen to the voice that wants to be heard. 

If this is you, you are wildly brave.

Keep going.

Keep following your own inner guidance!

Much love,



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