Using our 5 senses to be present with our food

Our five senses are our channels to connect to the external world with.

We experience life, because of our ability to see, to hear, to feel, to taste and to smell. Part of what presence actually is, is being in the moment with our senses. 


Truly hearing what we hear

Truly seeing what we see

Truly tasting what we taste…


How often have you finished your plate, only to be left with this unsatisfied feeling for more?

We need presence in order to gain satisfaction.


In this modern world, where multitasking through dinners is the new norm, we have a harder time than ever to feel satisfied with our meals.

We feel the desire to have more

To take another plate

A snack after

A desert that is not chosen from pleasure, but from a feeling of lack..


Let me share with you a wonderful practice I have been doing & sharing with clients for a while now. I call it the ‘5 senses’ practice.

The ‘5 Senses’ Practice

*You may do this before a meal or during, to come back home to your body & your food 


1) Close your eyes if you are by yourself (or keep them open if you are eating with others)

 2) First, take a moment to listen to what you hear. Noticing it internally.

3) Then, focus on feeling what you feel. Perhaps your butt on the chair or your elbows on the table

4) Turn your attention to your smell sense. Smell what you smell.

5) Open your eyes now and see what you see. Slowlt looking around or directly at your plate.

6) & then lastly, take a bite & taste what you taste. Fully being present with the flavors you experience in your mouth.


Allow yourself to be taken over by food in the moment of eating

Fully immersing yourself I the experience

Celebrating your ability to ENJOY your tastebuds..fully & completely


Let me know when you have tried out this practice and what it did for you!

It doesn’t have to take more than a minute & can be done with eyes open, so no one around you even has to notice you are doing it haha!

Much love,



What if you SHOULDN’T do anything ever?


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